
Showing posts from May, 2020

Know Your Soil Type : Irrigation Guide

Soil is the primary reservoir for plants from where they intake water though roots for their growth and development. Based on the particle size distribution, typically the soil is divided into the three main categories; sand, clay and loam. Each type of soil handles water differently and have different water holding capacity. Sandy soil needs more frequent irrigation than the loamy soil as the sandy soil has less water holding capacity means it can hold less water than the loamy soil.    Image Credits: DripWorks Knowing your soil type helps you in the irrigation scheduling and determining the right amount of watering needs. Here are some quick tests to help determine your soil type. TEST 1: The Bottle Test Put 5 cm of soil in a glass bottle and fill it with water Stir the water and soil well, let it sit for an hour. At the end of an hour, the water will have cleared and you will see that the larger particles have settled. At the bottom is a layer of sand, in the middle is a la...

7 Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Biodiversity of India

Each year, 22 May is celebrated as world biodiversity day. Biodiversity holds ecological and economic significance. It provides us with nourishment, housing, fuel, clothing and several other resources. It also extracts monetary benefits through tourism.  India is one of the recognized mega-diverse countries in the world. Here are the 7 amazing facts that you must know about the biodiversity of India.

Here's What Happens to the Sewage on a Cruise Ship

On average, a passenger on the cruise ship uses 200-250 litre water per day. A lot of sewage is generated due to the thousands of people on board every day.  But have you ever wondered where does the sewage on a cruise ship go?  The sewage on the cruise ship includes the wastewater from the bathrooms, toilets, urinals, medical premises and other similar facilities. When it comes to handling, treatment and disposal of sewage on the ship. It must be done as per the international maritime laws. MARPOL- Annex IV is an international regulation which prohibits any vessels or offshore platforms from direct disposal of sewage into the sea. According to this regulation, the sewage can be discharged into the seawater only after it is treated and the distance of the ship is 4 nautical miles from the nearest land.  But if the sewage is not treated this can be discharged 12 nautical miles away from the nearest land. Additionally, the discharged sewage should not produc...